Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How thankful i am to be a mother:)

My sweet angel, was perfect in my belly, and perfect when he got here, sooo small 5 lbs. 13oz.
Minutes after i delivered him, its crazy how they come out secreaming, and the minute they put him in my arms he stopped, he knew it was his mamma...
Due any day, i didn't do belly picts.(wish i would have), so Chad snapped a few in Cades nursery, just days before my due date, as u can see...
Cade had just started walking(11months), and had already found his most favorite toys ever at that age, tupperware!!!!
Still my favorite place in the whole world for him to be, in my arms, he was actually sick in this picture, but lots of lovin' is what he needed:(
OOOHHHH, don't u just want to kiss that face, got his daddy's big brown eyes, love them!!  Oh and i love beanies, so he pretty much sported them all winter.....
Hope ya'll enjoyed just a few pictures of my little angel entering this world, and growing up way to fast.  He's 2 now and such a mama's boy, won't lie i LOVE it pretty much all the time!!!  And the blessing it is to be a mother, words can not describe.  Children are life changing, but in the most perfect way ever!!!  I pray all the mothers out there, mothers to be, or those believeing for babies, have a wonderfully, blessed MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!